Boston is known for a lot of things. How many cities can claim so many of the country’s oldest buildings, multiple bustling sports venues, and a thriving food and commercial scene? With so much to explore in Boston, figuring out where to go and what to do can be tricky for first-time visitors.

这里有一个秘密:你在波士顿做什么,看什么,去哪里取决于你和谁在一起. 这就是为什么买球推荐软件app排名提供了这个全面的指南:让您的团队访问尽可能个性化和顺利!

继续阅读以缩小您的第一次波士顿行程,并给我们的团队打电话 617-314-7577 无论你是和你的波士顿队一起为主队加油,你都可以在城市里享受无缝的巴士租赁服务 fan group or planning a day full of brewery tours with your wedding party.


Top Boston Attractions for…

A mossy cobblestone street lined with red-brick houses in Beacon Hill, Boston

History Buffs

Best time to visit: May through October—most historic sites and museums close for the winter

Best neighborhoods: Downtown and Beacon Hill

波士顿不仅是美国最古老的城市之一,也是保存最完好的城市之一. Your sightseeing group can spend weeks touring monuments, heritage sites, and old architecture and still not cover it all!  No matter where you go, keep in mind that most historical sites in Boston are outdoors—so you’ll want to plan your visit when the weather is nice.

You’ll also want a sturdy pair of walking shoes, 因为探索波士顿历史的最佳方式之一就是走自由之路. This 2.5-mile walking trail highlights 16 places throughout Downtown and the North End, 包括传说中的老北教堂和买篮球的app推荐(美国最古老的公园). 不过,如果你拜访的是轮椅使用者或行动不便的人,也不用担心. 买球推荐软件app排名可以免费为您提供符合ada标准的长途汽车, and your bus driver can drop you off near the most popular sights!

When you’re done exploring the Boston Freedom Trail, you’ll definitely want to wander over to Beacon Hill. This neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city, 所以,即使你只有时间在你租的买球推荐软件app排名经过时透过窗户看那些有几百年历史的砖砌建筑, it’s well worth the trip. If you do have time to walk around, keep your eyes peeled for little gold signs throughout the district; they designate historically significant buildings, former homes of famous Bostonians, and more!


The Boston Common

Address: 115 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116

Phone: 617-635-4505


Old North Church

Address: 193 Salem St, Boston, MA 02113

Phone: 617-858-8231


Sports Fans

Best time to visit: 当你最喜欢的运动进入赛季时,波士顿全年都是大联盟球队的主场

Best neighborhood: Fenway-Kenmore (home to Fenway Park)

As any Boston sports fan can tell you, 这座城市有一支球队,几乎所有的大联盟运动都有场地,每一项运动都有狂热的粉丝群! 所以,无论你是一个想看凯尔特人队比赛的篮球迷,还是一个为下一场爱国者队比赛做准备的追尾人群, you’re bound to find someone to root for in Boston.

长期的体育迷和第一次来波士顿的游客应该抽出时间去参观著名的芬威公园. Even if you’re not a Red Sox fan, no baseball enthusiast should pass the chance to tour the oldest ballpark in the MLB. Guided tours of the park are available all year round (even during baseball season), so your sports fans should have easy access to the stadium’s most historic spots, including the Green Monster, the Lone Red Seat, Pesky’s Pole, and more.

Still not satisfied after your Fenway tour? 在新英格兰体育博物馆探索该地区更广泛的体育历史! 该设施展示了波士顿地区的成就和传奇运动员, with general guided tours scheduled between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. most days and personalized talks with the curators available upon request.


Fenway Park

Address: 4 Jersey St, Boston, MA 02215

Phone: 877-733-7699


New England Sports Museum

Address:  100 Legends Way, Boston, MA 02114

Phone: 617-624-1234

A group of friends eat and laugh in a bright restaurant


Best time to visit: Summertime—most Boston food festivals happen between June and October

Best Neighborhood: North End

Home to a lot of signature foods, Boston has tons of flavors, festivals, and food-centric guided tours to keep your foodies satisfied. Chow down on lobster rolls at the Boston Public Market, sample clam chowder in one of the waterfront neighborhoods, or treat yourself to a Boston Cream Pie at its birthplace in the Omni Parker House. And if you time your visit right, 您的团队可以在全年举办的众多美食节中享受波士顿最好的美食. 许多北端的意大利餐厅都会在九月的圣安东尼节举办特色菜, 在8月的波士顿外出就餐节期间,该市一些最受赞誉的厨师会准备新的和创新的食物.

Looking for something to wash it all down with? Those traveling with a 21+ crowd are in luck: beer is big in Boston. And between the lineup of Boston-born beer companies like Harpoon, Samuel Adams, and Trillium, the many smaller craft breweries, and the Oktoberfest events in the fall, your beer enthusiasts are sure to have something to do and drink while you’re in town. Reserve a private shuttle service before you hit the bars, and your group will have a professional DD and a reliable ride back to the hotel!


Boston Public Market

Address: 100 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02108

Phone: 617-973-4909


Omni Parker House

Address: 60 School St, Boston, MA 02108

Phone: 617-227-8600

A woman looks through a rack of clothes in a clothing store


Best time to visit: 4月或5月是春季大扫除后的节俭季节,夏末和冬末是季节性百货商店的促销季节

Best Neighborhood: Back Bay

Besides looking at monuments or exploring the local food scene, 许多第一次来波士顿的游客在来的时候都会抽出时间仔细逛一下这座城市的服装店. 这并不奇怪,因为在纽约,购物者购买175美元以下的服装无需缴纳销售税. And even if you buy more than that, the sales tax is still only 6.5%: much less than in surrounding states.

If your group is interested in luxury brands and high-end boutiques, consider paying Back Bay a visit. The neighborhood is home to many shopping centers, 包括纽伯里街(Newbury Street)和科普利广场(Copley Place),这里云集了国际和当地的精品店, Jimmy Choo, Louboutin, Dior, and Burberry storefronts). But if you want to explore the neighborhood while on a budget, 在豪华区逛完橱窗后,你总能找到一两家寄售店.


Copley Place

Address: 100 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02116

Phone: 617-262-6600


How to Get Around Boston

Just like the sights you decide to see in town, 你第一次在波士顿的游览方式也取决于你和谁在一起,以及你感兴趣的是什么。

The “T”

Boston’s public transportation system, lovingly referred to as the “T,包括从市中心向周边城市和郊区辐射的买球推荐软件app排名和火车. Most major attractions and neighborhoods are accessible by public transit, 当地人和游客都说它很容易使用,甚至对第一次来这里的外地人来说也是如此. In order to ride the T, passengers can purchase a refillable paper ticket or a hard plastic card, with one-way fare starting at $1.70 per rider.

这种交通方式最适合6人以下的成人团体使用,如果目的地附近没有车站,他们不介意步行几个街区. 较大的团体和有孩子的团体可能会发现让每个人都在火车上是很有挑战性的, especially during rush hour when the cars are packed.


Taxis and Rideshares

Taxicabs, Ubers, 和lyft对于没有固定行程的小团体来说是很好的交通方式. Boston is a heavily trafficked city when it comes to these services, so your group can hail a cab or rideshare practically anywhere. Also, they can take you practically anywhere there’s a road, 这使得他们成为一个灵活的选择,对于那些想要自由地去他们想去的地方和时间的团体, without waiting around for a train or public bus.

That being said, if you’re traveling with a larger crowd and relying on rideshares, you’ll likely need to split into multiple vehicles to get between destinations. This means you’ll need to pay multiple fares between stops. And considering that rates vary depending on the season, local driver availability, and the time of year, 所以你的团队在旅行结束后才会知道你的交通费是多少——如果你的旅行预算是固定的,这是不理想的.


Private Bus Rental

预订个性化的巴士租赁是大型团体一起穿越波士顿最简单的方法之一,原因很多. For one thing, 您的巴士租赁包括一名专业司机和一辆专门为您的团队服务的定制汽车, 因此,你不必担心与其他观光者或下班回家的当地人共用你的车. And because your coach bus only serves your group, 它只在你为它制定的路线和时间表上运行——只要你愿意提前计划, you can arrive nearly anywhere in the city, all together and right when you want to be there.

Even better, when you reserve with a provider like Boston Charter Bus Company, you’ll have access to a wide range of motorcoaches big and small. Need a larger coach to keep your history class comfortable? Many full-size charter buses come with comfort-minded amenities like TV screens, a DVD player, 还有躺椅——这样你的学生就可以在长途跋涉进城的路上看电影和放松了. Or, if you just need a small shuttle so your coworkers can unwind in the city after a big conference, a minibus rental with onboard WiFi is sure to keep everyone connected and entertained between stops. So whether you’re transporting 10 people or 100, 租一辆私人巴士可以让你第一次来波士顿的游客在整个城市都很舒适.

A tour guide talks to a charter bus full of passengers

Ready to Explore Boston?

If so, 考虑买球推荐软件app排名作为你在城市组团旅行的首选交通供应商. 无论你是在和小学同学一起学习历史,还是在公司活动结束后停下来喝一杯, we’ll connect you to the ideal bus rental to keep everyone together and comfortable.

Call 617-314-7577 today to ask about our fleet of motorcoaches and to request amenities like free WiFi, reclining seats, or an onboard restroom. 我们的24/7团队随时准备为您提供免费,无义务的波士顿巴士租赁报价!